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In-Depth Courses

   Stay tuned for a more comprehensive course on the KOMODO and many other types of In-Depth courses.  With the Covid-19 restrictions loosening up, FMI is in development of several different intensive courses.  Our goal is to provide a complete library of basic and more advanced media courses that range from developing productions skills to specific gear operation and everything in-between.  Whether you want to learn how to produce better videos for you company or want to work in the film and television industry, the interactive courses in development are being designed to give you access both to individuals currently working in the industry as well as those that have decades of experience.  This combination provides anyone taking the courses timely and relevant insights to equip them to effectively work on commercials, documentaries, television shows and feature films. Stay tuned, we will be announcing our newest courses shortly.

Digital Credential Courses

We here at Filmmaker Institute think it is important to provide several media learning options.  We have our Quick Reference Courses that provide a basic overview of any given subject that will help you get started.  Then we have our more In-Depth courses which are intended to provide a more comprehensive learning experience.  Finally, we will be launching shortly our Digital Credential Courses.  These are not just learning experiences but opportunities to demonstrate your skills to any future employer.  For example, if you complete one of our Digital Credential Courses planned on Cinematography, you will not only be able to demonstrate your proficiency on various tools of the trade such as cameras and lighting gear, but will have a demo real that illustrates your skills addressing typical challenges a Cinematographer faces on the job.  These courses will be designed to take someone with little or no experience to a high level of efficiency. Because of the interactivity embedded within the lessons these same courses can help those with existing industry experience to really hone their skills.  We look forward to announcing a first Digital Credential Course soon, so stay tuned.